Saturday, 10 April 2010

Wonderful sunny Saturday at Richmond Farmers' Market!

As usual on Saturday mornings, I went to the Farmers' Market to buy my favorite bread. Today was such a beautiful sunny day that I will leave it to the pictures I took - Enjoy!

This is the bread i bought...

...nice vegetables and eggs...

...and the best hand-made cakes in town (..and when I say town I mean Greater London!)... (...I could not resist: I bought one of the big ones... delicious!)...

 I said, everything was perfect, though I still have to understand what kind of bird ( was this one, that I saw walking by the river... anyone can help...?!?

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Puttanesca moment!

It must have been the article I read over my lunch break about Berlusconi busy buying yet another villa for himself and his many ‘hostesses’. Or maybe it was just the warm sunny day out there, awaking my senses. Whatever, the result was dinner tonight would be fusilli alla puttanesca.

Not the right time of the year to find juicy tasty fresh tomatoes (to be fair, are there such things at any time in Greater London…?), so I had to use as a base a can of chopped tomatoes (yeah, I know.. but we can live with it, com’n), and I added a handful of cherry tomatoes, duly and religiously cut (they tend to explode otherwise – those little bastards… – which is never good when it is Thurs, your cleaning lady comes on Weds and you have to clean your kitchen yourself on Sat to prevent wife from complaining on Sun).

Saucepan on the cook, full with water – a generous handful of salt only when boiling.

Meanwhile, lots of good olive oil in my frying pan (I use a 'Tefal' one, my favorite – let's call it “Teffy” - , that looks more like a wok), together with 4 or 5 salted anchovies and vinegar capers (someone says that both the anchovies and the vinegar capers should be ‘washed’ before using them, but I am pretty sure they are in bad faith…), many slices of pitted black olives, a broken clove of garlic and flakes of red hot chilly peppers from Calabria (Calabrifornication....? weird....). When I say lots of olive oil, I do not mean a glass: just enough to properly cover the bottom of my pan. I order my olive oil directly from Italy, 20 to 30 liters each time, but I find that decent Italian ones at Waitrose or Sainsbury or even Tesco, as well.

Then, my tomatoes mix (shameless chopped plus non-explosive cherry ones) down into my happy Teffy for some 10 to 15 minutes, on a low flame. Water was boiling and I added salt and a good 300g (you never know… I might wake up hungry tomorrow morning!) of fusilli De Cecco ones in this case, but other brands may work nicely as well. Mr De Cecco said cooking time was 15 minutes, but I overruled and was ok with 13 minutes, considering that I had to risaltare (which I like to translate as “re-jumping”) them in my Teffy for one or two minutes on a high flame, for a wonderful final merger and acquisition of taste!

Although I generally prefer red wine, the fusilli alla puttanesca don’t run away if you open a French white, which I did. Not rosé, please! which in my humble opinion should just be abolished, forbidden and ultimately – hopefully – forgot!

Have to say, puttanesca would translate into something along the lines of... ‘whore-ish’?, though the real etymology seems uncertain. The name clearly reminds of simple people, simple food, and places like bettole and osterie of the past (see pic below, just to have an idea - unfortunately, it is not me the one portrayed there though). Anyway, the fusilli smelled wonderfully and made my day!

Another working day tomorrow (Greek markets down 5% again, maybe…?!? May be tempted to shortsell…), but the great news is that we are almost there and BBC says this w/e is going to be sunny!!! EVVIVA!!!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Salame (not salami...!)

Today has been one of those days. After the long - mostly rainy - Easter weekend, this Tuesday morning could only start with a mailbox full of emails, many of which coming from the US and other EU continental countries, which meant urgency, pressure, stress, that I-wanna-be-elsewhere feeling that everybody knows.

The good news was that on Saturday I had been very early (...ok, 10:30 am... but it opens at 11 am and was a Saturday, so it WAS early!) to the Richmond farmers' market at Heron Square, where I bought an entire loaf of whole-grain bread. It does not really come cheap, costing some £7, but lasts for the full week and dries properly as real home-made bread (as opposed to the semi-plastic used-to-be-frozen-only-two-minutes-ago Sainsburys baguettes!) AND that I still had in my fridge some real, smelly, proper Salame from Greve in Chianti, which was brought to me by a good friend who came to see me some weeks ago from Tuscany (see pic above!).

Greve is a well-known little town in the heart of Chianti, in Tuscany, with many fattorie and osterie and an impressive production of high quality salumi, meat and pecorino cheese. To me it is just paradise, far better then Maldives! If you have not been there yet, just wait until late September or even October and try and spend a couple of weeks there: a 'fly and drive' would be the right fit. If you need further advise just drop me an email: happy to help! Dont' miss Nerbone, the osteria in the central square: a must!

Back to my de-stressing exercise, I still had some Chianti Gallo Nero left from the weekend, enough to fill a couple of decent glasses, which - maremma in qua e la' - was just the perfect match! (...don't even try to understand the maremma thing...: it can't be translated).

So, the simplest dinner: nice brown bread, a few slices of salame (...plz note: 1 salamE, 2 or more salamI and when we refer to many kinds of salami as a category, then we say salUmi.... difficult...?!? Not more than driving in Rome...), and two glasses of the simplest red Chianti wine! Please, remember: the best way to have salame from Tuscany is cutting thick slices using a sharp knife: never thin and never ever using a slicer... !!

As a first post, this seems more than enough..... time to go to bed! Good night everyone!!